
Coolest Images Search Engines

  • Most of us always use google ,yahoo , msn or bing search engine for the image search.But now if you become bore with old style image searching method and the old representaion of these images then just go for the following site which might be intresting for you.
  • 1... http://www.bing.com/visualsearch?mkt=en-us&FORM=Z9GE [just follow this site and visualize your serach.]

    The original site is http://www.bing.com/visualsearch but in india its not working so we have to use above site for the search. when you are going to use this search engine just install silverlight.exe (4.7 MB) which is given on the site and enjoy coolest image searching.

  • as shown in the image just take your cursor to the image and get cool synopsis about the image quickly.

  • 3... www.cube.com

    Here the representation of the images are in 3-d cube just roll it and select your favorite images from it.You can roll the cube with [shift+mouse control] or [arrow keys].